Issue of Registration and Airworthiness Certificates and Aerial Work Certificates
Owners of aircraft registered in the Bahamas must have a Certificate of Registration and a Certificate of Airworthiness issued by the Civil Aviation Authority Bahamas. Those aircraft operating in the aerial work category must hold an Aerial Work Certificate.  Aerial work does not include the carriage of passengers for hire or reward. Aerial Work Authorization are specific to an operator and to an aircraft. 

Issue of Air Operators Certificate (A.O.C) for Airplanes 
If you plan to operate a commercial operation within the Bahamas, you will need an air operator's certificate (AOC). CAC will undertake the whole process from the application until the AOC is issued.

Issue of AMO Certificates
With aviation legislation and regulation changing, AMO’s are responsible for compliance to all technical and operational requirements. CAC will assist with the preparations of the necessary manuals and documents needed for the issuing of all necessary certificates.

Changing or Adding a type of operation or Adding a new type or same type of Aircraft to an A.O.C.
If you are changing or adding a type of operation or adding a new aircraft type to an air operator certificate CAC will prepare all required paperwork, manuals and approvals.

Aircraft Purchasing Surveys / Pre-purchase Inspections
When buying an aircraft, it is important to have a qualified, neutral technician or organization do a proper pre-purchase inspection of the prospective aircraft and its records. Involving CAC in an aircraft acquisition is time and money well spent!
CAC can provide a comprehensive pre-purchase inspection service for any aircraft a customer may be looking to purchase.
The survey can be as detailed as the customer specifies. The main purpose of any survey is to ensure the aircraft is airworthy that and all applicable Airworthiness Directives have been complied with.
To carry out the survey thoroughly, a physical inspection of the aircraft, its major components and all the technical data is necessary. CAC is willing to travel to the aircraft if necessary for this to be carry this out.

Quality Assurance Audits and Quality Assurance & Control Services
CAC is your full-service provider for safety and quality management solutions in the aviation industry. Along with carrying out various audits, CAC can provide training to maintenance staff to ensure that they are maintaining aviation standards.
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